Welcome to the global village!

Keep your mind clean, eyes open and ears tuned.
And roam this village with no fear 
to enrich your life.

Kashyapa A. S. Yapa

I am a simple traveler, on a shoe-string budget, 
with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, 
an incurable anger over injustice and 
an inestimable respect for nature.


The subjects and the objects of the following articles and pictures have the complete ownership of their contents.  I simply arranged them together for presentation.  You too have every right to invite them for your presentations.  Please be respectful of the wishes of your guests.  Your own conscience is the harshest judge on the planet. So, copy right!



  1. Southern Expressway, the E.I.A. & the Water Buffaloes
  2. The ceremonial killing of River Sinú
  3. Ozogoche-Guamote Irrigation Project
  4. A humble homage to Mama Tungurahua & her offspring
  5. Reengineering urban infrastructure: a holistic viewpoint
  6. Hydro El Quimbo is technically 'chimbo' (faulty)
  7. Rural Development, climate change and ancestral technologies


  1. An encounter with the engineers of the past
  2. Prehispanic American Civil Engineering and Lessons for Today - A Summary
  3. The rivers that ran through the desert
  4. Groundwater management, the American way: Past and present
  5. Conducing water, the American way: Past and present - A photo gallery
  6. Defending against frost, the American way: Past and present - A photo gallery
  7. Floodwater management, the American way: Past and present - A photo gallery
  8. Preventing soil erosion, the American way: Past and present - A photo gallery
  9. Storing water, the American way: Past and present - A photo gallery
  10. Mapping of Kalinga Ela, an ancient navigation Channel
  11. Ancient water nurturing technologies


  1. A three-legged race into the Canyon
  2. Visit to Paraguay


  1. The journey of a socialist saint
  2. John by day, Juan at night: The bilingual dilemma
  3. Slaves of "Free" Trade: For whom the sweat falls?
  4. Guamote: 500 years back to the future
  5. Discovering a war-torn conscience



  1. Surviving "the development" in indigenous communities - Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador, 2000
  2. Women of the Zone - Garment workers of Sri Lanka, 1993 
  3. Slaves of "Free" Trade: Camp Sri Lanka, 2000


1. Recommended videos

If you would like any of the above articles in PDF format, please, write to me



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Last Updated: Febrero 5, 2016